IBA Dosimetry Dose-X - Next-Generation Reference Class Electrometer


Next-Generation Reference Class Electrometer

  • Easy and efficient overview on one screen 

  • Workflow-optimized next-generation user interface 

  • Full remote access through a web-browser

  • Fully documented API

Contact us for your individual solution!
Begin Benefit

Meaningful innovation for your absolute dose measurements 

The DOSE-X is a portable reference-class electrometer that exceeds IEC 60731 standards. It's your perfect solution for conducting reference measurements according to DIN 6800, AAPM TG51, and IAEA TRS398. With advanced precision technology, user-friendly functionality, and an intuitive interface, the DOSE-X delivers accurate measurements for all your absolute dosimetry requirements. Enjoy convenient automation, streamlined workflows, and increased flexibility to enhance your time-saving and efficient measurement protocols.

DOSE-X offers you:

  • Stand-alone and remote operation (browser based) with full functionality
  • Intuitive 10-inch HD touch screen
  • API allowing you to control all basic and advanced functions of the DOSE-X
  • Library functions
    • Extended detector library
    • Check source library
    • Machine library
  • Multi language support
  • Flash compatible 
  • Supports your TG-51 QA protocols 
  • Supports all correction factors listed below with the possibility of cross-calibration:


    Correcting for


    Response at beam quality


    Air density (temperature and pressure)


    Incomplete charge collection due to recombination


    Change in polarity


    User defined additional correction

Intuitive 10-inch HD touch screen 

  • Easy and efficient overview on one screen  

  • Workflow-optimized next-generation user interface 

Fully documented API

Operate your DOSE-X remotely with API through your preferred software environment 

End Benefit

Technical specs

Use: Ref Class  IEC 60731
Display: 10” HD Touch
Languages:de, en, es, fr, it, pt, ru, jp, cn, kr
Connectivity:Ethernet LAN 1 Gbit/s, Wi-Fi (802.11ac/b/g/n), USB 3.0 Host 
Dimensions (mm × mm × mm):249.7 x 201.9 x 123.4
Weight: 4.6 kg
Power supply:100 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz
Range (current):400 fA … 24 µA
Range (charge):From 24 pC to 65 nC per pulse at a repetition frequency of ≤ 400 Hz
Resolution (current):0.1 fA
Resolution (charge):0.1 fC
Measurement modes: Manual, Automatic (beam triggered), Timed 
Repeatability:< ± 0.25 % (≤ ± 0.25 % IEC 60731)
Long-term stability:≤ ± 0.2 % (≤ ± 0.5 % over one year, IEC 60731)
Response time:< 1.5 s
Non-linearity:≤ ± 0.25 % (≤ ± 0.5 %, IEC 67031)
Zero drift:≤ ± 0.25 % (≤ ± 0.5 %, IEC 60731)
Bias voltage:± 50 V … ± 500 V, ± 2 %
Zeroing:60 s (default)
Configurations: TNC Triax, BNC Triax (Adapter)

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